Auto Loan Calculator
Auto loans are a big commitment, so make sure you know how much you can afford before you sign on the dotted line. Use this auto loan calculator to estimate what your car loan will actually cost. Enter the required information to find out what your payment will be, including the principal and interest amounts you’ll be responsible for.
Enter some of your info
(All fields are required)
How much are you looking to borrow?
$1k $100k
For how long?
Interest rate The interest rate is the amount a borrower is charged by a lender and is a percentage of the amount borrowed
0% 15%
Compound Interest Calculator
Enter basic parameters
(All fields are required)
Initial deposit The initial deposit is the sum of money that you have available to invest initially.
$1k $100k
Contributions Contributions are deposits to the principal added monthly or annually. Withdrawals are represented by negative contributions.
$50 $10k
Investment time span The investment time span is the length of time that you plan to save.
1 Year 25 Year
Estimated rate of return The rate of return is how much interest your money earns each year.
0% 15%
How much home can I afford?
When you’re looking to buy a home, you want to ensure you can fit a mortgage payment into your budget. Find out how much home you can afford with this calculator. Fill out each field to determine the mortgage you can afford. Play around with numbers like down payment and interest rate, depending on your finances and credit, to see how what you can afford might change.
Loan & Borrower info
(All fields are required)
Maximum monthly payment The maximum monthly payment refers to the highest mortgage payment that you can afford each month.
$500 $10k
$1k $500k
Loan term
Interest rate The interest rate is the amount a borrower is charged by a lender and is a percentage of the amount borrowed.
3% 8.7%
Taxes & Insurance
(All fields are required)
Property tax (yearly) Property tax is a tax assessed on real estate by the local government based on the value of the property you own.
$50 $20k
Calculate what you need to save
Before you decide to refinance a home, make sure the new payment will fit into your budget. Use this home refinancing calculator to estimate what that new payment might be. Fill out each field to figure out how your mortgage payment will change if you are thinking about refinancing.
Enter some of your info
(All fields are required)
Home price
$40k $2.5M
$0 $1M
Loan term
Interest rate The interest rate is the amount a borrower is charged by a lender and is a percentage of the amount borrowed.
3% 8.7%
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